Saturday, November 19, 2011

The "Sistine Chapel" of Facial Plastic Surgery/ENT Websites

After nine long months, the most challenging website I've ever written, a website for a Manhattan facial plastic surgeon/ENT, has finally launched. Behold the Sistine Chapel of facial plastic surgery/ENT websites:

Friday, November 11, 2011

A feature on Canyon Ranch written for Berkshire Living Magazine
  inside  |  design
28 wellness • 35 outdoors  • 36 the right stuff  
 28 Berkshire Living Feb/Mar 2011

Our guide to a luxurious, three-pronged
staycation at Canyon Ranch in Lenox, Mass.
ANYON RANCH IS ENORMOUS. The Lenox, Massachusetts,
spa complex measures one hundred thousand square feet
and houses indoor and outdoor pools; a running track;
racquetball, squash, basketball, and tennis courts; state-of-the-art
cardio and weight rooms, dance and yoga studios, and space for cy-
cling, Pilates, and Gyrotonics. These are just the exercise options;
there are also treatment rooms offering more spa services than you
can shake a loofah at and outdoor activities spanning kayaking and
hiking to high-ropes course challenges.
All of this action is connected to the gloriously restored 1897
Bellefontaine Mansion, where guests take healthful, gourmet meals
and report for integrative medical services (even annual physicals
are offered) through a series of glass-covered walkways. It’s like the
biggest, most elegant Habitrail you’ve ever seen, populated by the
world’s luckiest and fittest hamsters.
And yet most Berkshirites have probably never been inside.
“Most of our guests come from Boston, New York, and other areas
within driving distance,” confirms Heather Gallagher, marketing
Sitting Pretty: The 1897
Bellefontaine Mansion sits at
the heart of the Canyon Ranch
campus in Lenox, Mass.
specialist for Canyon Ranch. “Very few come from the surrounding
area.” Given the possibilities for a staycation, with benefits such as
stress reduction, weight loss, or pampering on a grand scale, this
seems like an egregious oversight. Why shouldn’t Berkshirites con-
sider Canyon Ranch just as they do its neighbors Tanglewood and
Shakespeare & Company?
According to Gallagher, most guests stay for three nights—the
minimum required—and it takes them just as long to figure out
what’s here. (Aside from physical wellness, the center specializes in
spiritual and metaphysical stuff like handwriting analysis, astrology,
and Shamanic journey.) For those contemplating a visit, it’s helpful
to have a goal in mind, an organizing principle by which to con-
struct a roadmap through the establishment’s many classes, lectures,
and services. Since that takes work—and work is antithetical to a spa
staycation—here are three Canyon Ranch itineraries based on di-
verse goals: weight loss, stress reduction, and simple, self-indulgent
Weight Loss
Canyon Ranch abides
by a holistic philosophy,
so to characterize some
classes and services as
useful for weight loss
and others as helpful for
stress reduction is, per-
haps, to miss the point
entirely. As anyone who
has ever struggled to lose
a few pounds knows,
stress can undermine
even the best nutrition
and exercise regimens.
A popular lecture at
Canyon Ranch is, in fact,
titled, “Is Stress Making
Me Fat?” (Spoiler: yes, it
is), and fitness manager
Brian Wright notes that, “Stressed is ‘desserts’ spelled backwards.”
Experts here, like life-management therapist Melanie Masdea,
believe that individuals must tackle emotional and behavioral is-
sues to reach the root of a weight problem. That’s a lot to cram
into a three-day weekend—especially when combined with exercise.
Depending on specific needs and goals, one might want to extend
a stay or consider the three-day plan an introduction to healthier
 Canyon Ranch nutritionist Chrissy Wellington recommends a
jump-start, opting for intense calorie-burning exercise classes and
loading up on knowledge during the visit to create a workable pro-
gram of nutrition, cardio, and weight-training for success at home.
Unlike some spas, Canyon Ranch doesn’t put clients on starvation
rations or even limit caloric intake with set meals. Each of the two
onsite dining options—a café serving casual meals and a more for-
mal dining room—offer restaurant-style menus but instead of prices
next to each item are caloric and nutritional information. Meals are
all-inclusive, so patrons order whatever—and however much—they
want. In the dining room, the bountiful salad/breakfast bar serves
yogurt, muffins, hummus, and nuts along with fruit and vegetables.
Self-restraint is key. If weight loss is your goal, you’re going to have
to count your calories.
“While the dining room can provide useful lessons in portion
size—guests are always surprised at how small the servings are—if
weight loss is your goal, I recommend booking a nutritional consul-
tation,” Wellington says.
While a well-rounded exercise program is one that incorporates
cardio, strength-training, and core work, Wellington suggests pri-
oritizing cardio. To lose just one pound, you must burn approxi-
mately 3,500 calories over and above what you already burn. An
intense cardio class, like Canyon Ranch’s Dirty Dozen, is the exercise
equivalent of a blast furnace. The formula is simple: starting at one
end of a basketball court, participants do one pushup, then run to
the opposite end and back. The next set begins with two pushups
before repeating the process, and so on to twelve pushups. Which
adds up to seventy-eight pushups and a whole lot of running before
tackling the second exercise: body-weight squats. More exercises fol-
low. This insanity lasts forty-five minutes or until you “forget” how
to count to twelve.
Of course, not everyone can hack a class this intense, so Canyon
Ranch offers cardio for all levels of fitness. Wellington suggests
Stride, a treadmill interval class. Participants vary speed and incline
during walking or running to create periods of exertion and recov-
ery. “What’s great is that you can replicate the experience when you
get home,” Wellington says.
Those burned-out on traditional strength training might want
 30 Berkshire Living Feb/Mar 2011
is ‘desserts’
Let There Be Light:
The one-hundred-
foot spa complex
is an architectural
wonder; (opposite)
of forty-plus fitness
options, spinning is
especially popular.
to give the Kettlebell Essentials class a try. Reminiscent of a small, overstuffed handbag, a
kettlebell is a solid round weight with a purse-like handle; some of the more interesting exer-
cises involve swinging them in rhythmic, whole-body motions that feel surprisingly pleasant.
(Unlike most strength training, which fatigues an isolated muscle, this whole-body work
is considerably more gentle; the swinging motion is soothing, like pumping your legs on a
swing.) Instructor Karen Allison observes that the body responds metabolically to kettlebells
because the weighted exercises, done for time rather than number of repetitions, incorporate
cardio and core work. Throw in a class like Define Your Midline, which focuses on core
strength, and you’ve got yourself an exercise program geared toward weight-loss success.
Stress Reduction
It isn’t always obvious that you’re a stress case in dire need of help. For instance, I know I’m
affected by stress in my life from all the usual sources: nutty colleagues, sneaky deadlines, an
adolescent daughter, and an aging rear-wheel-drive convertible that wants to make wobbly
snow angels on rural roads. I always assumed I handled stress well. I don’t bark at people
often, I don’t empty the refrigerator after a bad day, and I don’t self-medicate with martinis.
So I’m fine, right? Not really. A few months ago, I had a really tense morning at work and
decided to walk it off at lunchtime. I pushed the lobby door forcibly … and took it clean
off its hinges. Hulk angry! And since “Hulk” in this case is only four feet, ten inches tall, she
clearly has some issues.
To get in touch with “what’s happening inside,” Masdea recommends Restorative Yoga
or beginner classes, meditation, the Breathing for Health and Vitality lecture, and a tai chi
walk. These are precisely the kinds of activities I usually avoid because they don’t burn lots
of calories, build biceps, or keep me entertained … which may explain why I need them. I
resolve to give some of them a try.
First up: the tai chi walk. As I soon discover, it starts at 7:45 a.m., outdoors. Two strikes
against it already. Okay, maybe I’m being hasty. As the instructor explains, tai chi is an ancient
martial art that enhances energy and improves focus and mood. It’s flowing, graceful, and so
slow that it makes my brain itch. Somewhere between “cloud hands” and whatever it was that
involved flapping my arms, I lost it. We’re standing outside on the terrace of the Bellefontaine
Mansion, and the instructor points out October Mountain, home to James Taylor. “Let’s send
him some positive energy!” she chirps as we initiate yet another round of super-slow arm flap-
ping. (James, if you’re reading this, I apologize. I did not send you positive energy. Instead, I
sent a kind of slow, simmering frustration. If you feel the need to write something really dark,
that’s probably my fault. Feel free to ignore the impulse.)
I had better luck in yoga. Restorative Yoga, it turns out, could be called Esoteric Naptime.
Tools: a bolster, a blankie, and a mat. Flop forward; flop on each side; lie on your back with
your butt on the bolster. Those feeling feisty can extend their feet toward the ceiling. I did
 32 Berkshire Living Feb/Mar 2011
fine with the poses but sprang too rapidly out of them, prompt-
ing the instructor to chide me gently. “In this race,” she says, “the
slowest finish first.” I want points for not responding, “Only in the
Berkshires, honey.” See? Progress.
Beginner’s yoga is slightly more active than Restorative Yoga,
but still gentle enough that you have time to wonder if you’re
burning any calories. That, actually, isn’t the goal; instead the focus
is on purposeful breathing and getting in touch with what’s hap-
pening inside. Since I benefit from specific, actionable recommen-
dations, I really liked mind/body instructor Mark Gerow’s lecture
on breathing. Rather than just telling our group that we’re all a
bunch of mouth-breathers (which we are) or commanding us to
take deep breaths more often, Gerow teaches techniques for turn-
ing breathing into a coping mechanism. For instance, individuals
can lower their blood pressure immediately by making their exha-
lations longer than inhalations. And one can stimulate the right
brain, where creativity supposedly lives, by closing the right nostril
and breathing through the left nostril.
Although I tried to get in touch with my insides, I found that
the most successful stress-reducers during my Canyon Ranch stay
were also the most superficial. I liked Strip Fit (relax, no clothing is
removed) because I was too caught up in following instructor Janet
Lee’s choreography to be embarrassed and I had fun imagining that
Lap of Luxury: Top-notch
massage therapies and
plush accommodations
(below) make for one
indulgent staycation.
I might be able to make it as a professional
erotic dancer if the lights were really dim
and the patrons extremely drunk. Oh, and
the Lavender Relax treatment (more on that
shortly) coaxed me into a very happy place. It
was the least busy my mind has been in a long
time. Feeling calmer isn’t exactly the same
as becoming deeply spiritual, but it helps
me step away from stress. Masdea seems to
agree. “Whether it’s dancing barefoot in Nia
[a movement practice] or going for a hike or
getting a manicure, it’s all [about] health and
healing,” she says. 
Even with all of the health and healing going on at Canyon Ranch, there’s still room for
sybaritic pleasures. Guest rooms, for example, have flat-screen TVs and silky Anichini and
Mascioni sheets, custom designed for Canyon Ranch by William Caligari. The giant bath
towels wrap around me almost twice and the cushy terrycloth robes are so chic that some
guests wear them to dinner. In addition to workout wear, the Showcase Boutique gift shop
sells fine jewelry and scented candles. And the spa and salon components offer so many
facials, massages, and beauty treatments that a girl could check herself in for a three-day
weekend comprised exclusively of pampering. Amazingly, almost no one does that.
“Most people come here for a reason,” says spa director Samantha Cooper Brex. “Some
come thinking they just want pampering, but after a day they realize what we have here and
they start exploring.” The most popular spa service at Canyon Ranch is the basic Swedish-style
massage. “It’s stress-reducing, it feels good, and it’s good for you,” says Cooper Brex. Touch
therapies can be remarkably therapeutic; for those uncomfortable with massage, Cooper Brex
recommends a facial, which, like massage, helps to relax the mind while imparting healthier,
cleaner skin.
I choose Lavender Relax, an indulgent, one hundred-minute-long aromatic body treat-
ment. First, the practitioner rubs me down with an exfoliating scrub, wiping it off with warm
washcloths. She massages my legs, arms, and torso with lavender-scented cream and wraps
me, burrito-style, in heated blankets. While I bake, she rubs my feet and completes a lavender
scalp treatment. It is blissful. James Taylor, I sent you positive energy. You might be in a better
place now. I know I am. BL
Catherine Censor is an editor, writer, and former personal trainer who lives in Katonah, N.Y.
Soul Soothers: Canyon Ranch’s
spa complex features a
seventy-five--foot indoor pool;
(below) a fieldstone fireplace
in the Mansion lounge invites
 34 Berkshire Living Feb/Mar 2011
Canyon Ranch
165 Kemble St.
Lenox, Mass.
outer limits
Night Crawlers
T’S ALMOST AS EASY AS WALKING, doesn’t require a ton of expensive equipment, and
makes some Berkshirites yearn for the dreariest of months: snowshoeing is hot this
season … again.
“Every year, there are more snowshoers than the year before,” says Dave Bacon, owner, with
his wife, Linda, of Canterbury Farm Ski Area in Becket, Mass. “A lot of people just wanna get
outside and exercise, and when they get older they’re worried about sliding around.”
But while forgoing skis to traipse along the property’s seven-and-a-half miles of snowshoe-
specific paths on frosty flippers (rentals are available) can be invigorating during the day, it’s a
whole new adventure after the sun goes down. The Bacons knew this back in 1985, when they
opened Canterbury and began scheduling three full-moon group tours per winter.
“It’s a unique period of night, and kind of eerie,” Dave says. “The shadows, the stars—the
visual aspect has a mysterious feel to it.”
Skimpy snow cover, frigid temperatures, and cloudy skies can leave full-moon excursion-
ists in the dark, however; folks in Pittsfield don’t wait around. For the past few years, a crew of
a dozen-plus off-season hikers and mountain bikers gathers on Monday nights at the Pittsfield
State Forest for an informal snowshoe trek along the Taconic Range crest.
“You pull into the parking lot, and it is pitch-black,” says Pat Rosier, the group’s unofficial
leader. “But you recognize the voices….”
Headlamps are essential. Rosier also stresses the importance of dressing in layers. “Because we
are climbing, and because you can’t go too far without going up in the State Forest, the biggest
problem is that people overdress,” Rosier says. “You’re working hard; it’s easy to get warm.”
On blustery evenings, the group forgoes the paved access
road for the wood’s dense trees, which block much of the
wind. Those fearful of wild animals, such as resident black
bears, take comfort in that a dog or two are usually present
on the outings. And, while doing it in the dark certainly
appeals to thrill-seekers and fans of the macabre, it’s also ac-
cessible to nine-to-fivers who simply want to switch up their
workout routine. “After work it’s so easy to go home, think-
ing it’s cold and dark outside,” Rosier admits, “but you get
out there and it’s fun. Especially if there’s a lot of snow.” BL
Amanda Rae Busch is senior editor of  Berkshire Living. She wrote
about her experience moonlight snowshoeing in the Jan/Feb 2009 issue.
Full Moon Snowshoe
Feb 19 and Mar 19
$15; equipment rentals, $20
Canterbury Farm Ski Area
1986 Fred Snow Rd.
Becket, Mass.,
Monday Night Snowshoe
Mondays at 6-7:30
Pittsfield State Forest
Meet at Headquarters Building
Pittsfield, Mass.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Website content for a plastic surgeon client

Celebrity Profile: Rob Thomas, The WAG, October, 2008

Westchester's Rocker-in-Residence

Rob Thomas and his wife, Marisol, bring their own brand of cool to (914)

By Catherine Censor

It’s a beautiful afternoon when I meet Rob Thomas, the solo artist and lead singer of the
hit rock band Matchbox 20, and his wife, Marisol, at an outdoor café in Mt. Kisco, not
far from their Bedford home. Rob, wearing jeans and a shirt unbuttoned just one too low for
conservative taste, almost fits right in. The shirt is apparently one of those dreaded wardrobe
malfunctions, because he suddenly glances down and apologizes for what he calls the
“Saturday Night Fever” look. His wife, however, gorgeous but relaxed in an embellished tank top and olive green pants, fits right in. It’s not much of a stretch to imagine her as one of the
other moms out this day pushing children in strollers. As we tuck into some light snacks, I observe that while this is a slice of sunny suburban heaven, it’s not the kind of place one expects a rock ‘n roll couple to call home.
     “Are you kidding?” Rob demands incredulously, “It’s very rock ‘n roll! DMX lives right around the corner!”
      Marisol isn’t so sure. First of all, she notes, DMX isn’t a rock star, he’s a rapper, and whether he lives around the corner these days is somewhat debatable. When last we checked, he was fielding legal complications in Arizona, Florida, and who knows where else.
     So it’s official. Aside from David Letterman sidekick Paul Shaffer (again, a dubious nominee for the category but we’ll let it pass), Westchester is an officially rock star-free zone. Which begs the question: What is Rob Thomas, with a string of hit singles—including the Grammy award-winning, platinum-selling, Carlos Santana-collaborating “Smooth”—doing here?
     As it turns out, he’s here for the same reasons as the rest of us. “It’s not good to be giving and receiving information all day, every day,” Rob says, “and in Manhattan, you can’t get away from it. Here, there are times when I just sink into a daze and three hours just slip by before I even know it.” Marisol concurs. “I was in the city all day yesterday and driving home, the smell of the air changes and it just decompresses you. In the city, it was too wild all the time.”
    For Rob, who was raised in South Carolina and Florida, the suburbs are familiar, comfortable turf. And for Marisol, who was raised in Queens, Northern Westchester seems almost rural, a peaceful sanctuary to raise animals (rescued animals are one of her passions) and children. Like most Westchesterites, Marisol and Rob factored in the area’s quality schools and child-friendly amenities when choosing a home. Rob has a 10-year-old son by a previous relationship and he and Marisol are looking forward to welcoming their first someday.
    Westchester is also where Rob does much of his work, writing and recording songs for himself or any of the many other artists he works with. To judge from his discography, Rob was
clearly one of those kids who plays well with others. In addition to Santana, Rob has written songs for and/or recorded with Willie Nelson, Mick Jagger, John Mayer, Marc Anthony, Pat Green, Robert Randolph, Taylor Hicks, Travis Tritt, and Chris Daughtry of American Idol fame.
     It’s this kind of genre-busting that accounts for his across-the-dial dominance. Rob Thomas songs can be found on radio stations broadcasting pop, adult contemporary, rock, country, and “lite” FM—sometimes simultaneously. “Everywhere except R&B,” he says with a smile, “and we’re making a rap record next week so we’ll dominate that, too.” One gets the feeling he might not be joking. After all, the rhythm section on his last solo record, Something to Be, included bass guitarist Mike Elizondo, who works with Dr. Dre and Eminem, and drummer Gerald Hayward, who works with Mary J. Blige
and Beyoncé. The album debuted at the top of the record sales charts, a first for a male artist from a rock or pop group. (“Take that, Phil Collins and Eric Clapton!” Rob says with a laugh.) 
     The commercial success is really a reflection of Rob’s artistic success and ability to remain inspired, both by his collaborations with other artists and by life itself. When asked
which artist he’s worked with has inspired him most, he grows thoughtful and says, “Willie Nelson. He’s just one of the greatest American songwriters out there.” Marisol laughs: “That was
just the most star-struck and geeked-out I’ve ever seen you! The most inspired I’ve ever seen you, though, is with Carlos [Santana].”
     Rob nods in agreement. “He’s become a family friend and he comes over a lot. Carlos and I talk a lot of sh-t. By the end of the night, we’re drunk on wine and he’s talking about putting a band together: ‘It’ll be me, you, and Eric Clapton—everyone will have to get the f-ck out of our way!’ ” 
     When all is said and done, however, Rob attributes his songwriting success to his ability to express an emotional truth that’s anchored in his own experience. “If you’re successful, how do you write songs about angst? Well, I couldn’t believably write songs like that about my career. My career is going pretty well, so I couldn’t write a song about what it’s like to be a young songwriter who can’t make it. But my mother passed away and that was really painful. Your job can’t save you from that or from feeling old or from all the other issues you have to face. Having money makes it easier to bear sometimes, but you still have to face these things.”
     As Rob worked on his last solo album, one of those “things” was Marisol’s sudden illness. “I have an autoimmune disease that’s a connective tissue disorder,” she says. “It’s very rare, so perhaps the best way to describe it is that it’s a cousin of lupus. It doesn’t manifest itself until you’re in your 20s. I was always getting sick when I was younger and no one knew why. Finally when I was 23,
symptoms started showing up. At first, they were manageable and we got through it. Then, when he was doing his solo record, I got very, very ill and no one knew what it was. We saw every top doctor and I was in the emergency room constantly.”
     While Marisol went from doctor to doctor seeking an answer, Rob stayed by his wife’s side, retreating occasionally to their home studio to work on his album. “Everyone just assumed he went away and did this album, but he was at the doctor’s with me four times a week and checking on
me whenever he couldn’t be there,” she says. During this same tumultuous period, Rob and Marisol were starring in and producing a documentary, My Secret Record or How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Biz, chronicling the making of his album. It was intended to be a “behind the
scenes” look at the music business, but it ended up revealing quite a bit more. 
     “There was this one scene where I was with John Mayer and I looked like sh-t. I had just gotten off phone with Mari [Marisol] and I was really worried about her,” Rob says. Despite the strain, Rob, with the help of Mayer, managed to crank out the upbeat, radio-friendly “Streetcorner Symphony.” “I wrote that so I’d have a single,” Rob remembers. While the radio version was a happy, everybody-get-up-
and-dance kind of tune, “the demo version is kind of sad.”
     The new album, Rob promises, is more genuinely sunny. In fact, Marisol and Rob are in a very happy place these days. Marisol has learned that her condition is not degenerative and she is tapering off the last of her medication. And the two of them are busier than you would think two people
without day jobs ought to be. Three weeks before our interview, Rob was on tour with Matchbox 20. In March, he plans to release his second solo record. And as we speak, three musician friends are waiting for him at home. “We’re doing some three-piece gigs in the Bahamas and Minneapolis. I just thought it’d be fun to go out and play without a big production—it’ll be like sitting on a porch and telling jokes and doing some spontaneous covers.”
    The gigs, Marisol reminds him, are also raising money for their charitable foundation, Sidewalk Angels, a not-for-profit organization that provides funds and support to grassroots groups working on behalf of animal care and welfare, the environment, children, the impoverished, and the homeless. Marisol’s latest project on behalf of the foundation is an October 25 gala at the Saw Mill Club in
Mt. Kisco to benefit Pets Alive, a no-kill animal shelter in Middletown that takes in horses, farm animals, and exotic birds, as well as dogs and cats. Pets Alive also advocates against carriage horses and all forms of animal abuse. The organization was recently involved in the closure of an infamous puppy mill.
    Marisol is definitely an “animal person” who loves her “babies” (two mixed breed dogs, Sammy and Tyler) and talks animatedly about the work of Pets Alive and her own rapport with animals. She recently had an encounter with a newborn foal. “I was the first human he’d ever seen and he
went right up to me and kissed me,” she says proudly. “I’m the one that the animals go to, they know I love them and they get this look …”
    “The same thing happens when you go into Barney’s,” her husband says with a mischievous laugh. But scratch the surface and you learn that he’s as much an animal lover as his wife. “The first thing you see when you enter our studio is a painting of one of our dogs,” Rob admits. His dogs have starred in his music videos, had their images plastered on tour passes, met Chris Martin (the lead singer of Coldplay), attended a Jennifer Lopez concert, and even posed in Rolling Stone alongside their master.
(The other members of Matchbox 20 subsequently referred to the magazine as Dog Fancy.)  
     So when Marisol says she’s been working tirelessly on a gala to benefit a no-kill animal shelter, well, you can bet it’s going to be something special. To start, Rob and Marisol called on friends and tennis legends Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf. “They’re going to be at the benefit and they’ve
allowed us to auction them off,” Marisol reports. “The very next day, the winning bidders will have the opportunity to play tennis with them.” To add a rock ‘n roll spin to the proceedings, Rob
has called on Daughtry to attend and perform with him. How does Rob know Chris? Apparently, he got to know him the same way everyone else did: He saw him on TV.
     “I was watching American Idol every week,” Rob says. “Ryan Seacrest is a really close friend of ours. We knew him back when he was a DJ in LA, and Ryan and I would be texting each other during commercial breaks after this guy would be on. We were both so excited! And Randy [Jackson] would call me up and go, ‘Hey, dog, did you just see that?!’ Well, I read that Daughtry was thinking about being the front man for a band called Fuel, and I was talking to a friend of mine who owns WPLJ [the
New York radio station] and I said I didn’t think that was a good idea. He said, ‘Why don’t you call into the show tomorrow and tell him? He’s going to be on.’ So that’s what I did.” Chris and Rob visited in person and have been close ever since.
     Marisol admits she’s been planning the Pets Alive gala, “A Furry Tail Evening,” for months and she’s chosen all of the details with care. “The Saw Mill Club is the best place to do this. Not only is it at the heart of everything up here, especially for tennis, but it’s in an area where a lot of people have
horses and pets,” Marisol says. “They need to know about this organization and this event will bring some awareness. Pets Alive has the potential to be an educational resource for the area and not just a shelter. I can imagine schools taking trips there to learn about the responsibilities of pet owner-
ship and compassion for animals.”
     Of course, Sidewalk Angels does far more than help animals. Blythedale Children’s Hospital and even individuals, who, like Marisol, have faced baffling and expensive medical conditions, have been the beneficiaries of the nonprofit. I mention that Marisol and Rob are a good example of the “young, hip, and generous” new philanthropists that The WAG will profile in our next issue. Rob, who is approaching 40, laughs. “I feel neither young nor hip,” he says. But as he graciously signs an autograph for a 10-year-old fan and Marisol gets an affectionate hug from the restaurant’s general manager, it must be said: In this part of the world, they don’t come any hipper than Rob and Marisol.